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TeSaU Academic Staff was in Turkey (Trabzon) within the framework of the International HERIPRENEURSHIP Project

The academic staff of Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law were in Turkey (Trabzon) within the framework of the international project BSB 831-HERIPRENEURSHIP.

The supervisor of the Tourism Educational Program, Professor Nana Rinkiashvili and Associate Professor Tamar Tamarashvili participated in a study visit from April 30 to May 3, 2023, which included various activities.

They visited and evaluated the sights included in the UNESCO list of heritage. Together with the project partners, TeSaU representatives participated in a joint press conference, group work and summary seminars.

Telavi State University is involved in the international project "HERIPRENEURSHIP", one of the main goals of which is to raise the awareness of cultural heritage and support its economic benefits.

The project is funded by the European Union, and the leading partner is the Development Agency of Kavala. The project started in July 2020 and will continue for 30 months.

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