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თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი

Intensive Courses and Site Visits within the Framework of the Internship

Organizational Behavior and Personnel Management - HR Management 

Main Topics

  1. Communicative behavior and decision making in an organization
  2. Personnel motivation and work incentives
  3. Leadership in the organization
  4. Management practice, case study

Prof. Maya Gonashvili  

Global Business 

Main Topics

  1. Global Business types  
  2. Dynamics of global business and international relations
  3. Corporation policy and strategy
  4. International projects and human resources management

Prof. Lali Chagelishvili-Agladze  

Business in Georgia 

  1. History of business development in Georgia
  2. Current situation
  3. Before the pandemics
  4. During and after the pandemics 
  5. Georgian business companies and local production

Prof. Ia Jimshitashvili 

Site Visits

Archil Farsadanishvili - Vaziani company work process

Gurami Sulkhanishvili - Work process of the Vazisubani Estate



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