იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი

Scientific-Research Department Staff

Head of Scientific-Research Department
Ketevan Gigashvili

Scientific-Research Department Specialist
Parsadanishvili Nino

Scientific-Research Department Specialist
Gventsadze Manana

Scientific-Research Department Specialist
Shorena Tsignadze

Scientific-Research Department Translator
Dzamiashvili Elene


Examination Center

Contact Information:

Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University, Buildign I, Floor III, Examination Center

Tel: (+995 350) 23 49 09
E-mail: nino.gigilashvili@tesau.edu.ge



Examination Center  Staff

Head of the Examination Center

Nino Gigilashvili

Chief Specialist of the Examination Center

Abesalom Aivazashvili

Chief Specialist of the Examination Center

Leila Bedianidze

Specilaist of the Examination Center 

Tamar Bakhbakhishvili

Specilaist of the Examination Center 

Ketevan Javakhishvili


Duties of the Invigilator

1. The Lecturer/invigilator is obliged to arrive to the examination place no less than 10 minutes earlier before beginning the examination.
2. After the students occupy their places, the lecturer/invigilator introduces his/her duties to them.
3. The lecturer/invigilator verifies student’s “permit”, opens the sealed envelope in front of them, gives out examination papers and asks students to fill the cover page. P.S. the point regarding the “permit” is stopped.
4. Maximal duration of the final, repeated, left teaching course examination is 2 hours, and the duration of the mid-term exam is no more than 2 academic hours (if the other time isn’t indicated on the ticket).
5. The lecturer/invigilator is obliged to observe the examination process on the intended territory, to control the examination process strictly, warn the student in case of breaking the examination rules, or dismiss from the examination in case of re-warning, or using things containing the examination subject-related information.
6. In case of dismissing student from the examination, the lecturer/invigilator will confiscate the examination ticket and papers. He/she makes the inscription – “dismissed from the examination” and fixes the fact in the register.
7. Leaving the intended territory without observation is forbidden for the lecturer/invigilator. In case of urgent situations he/she must call the representative of the Examination Centre.
8. The lecturer/invigilator is obliged to answer the procedural and technical questions asked by the student. Answering the examination content-related questions is forbidden.
9. In case of arising any problems during the examination process the lecturer/invigilator is obliged to appeal to the Examination Centre employee.
10. The lecturer/invigilator informs the student 15 minutes earlier before the examination time-up.

11. The lecturer/invigilator receives the examination paper, examination ticket and signs at the end of the work.
12. After getting all works the lecturer/invigilator fixes his/her signature, indicates the number of written or/and annulled or/and unused papers in the register.
13. The lecturer/invigilator gives the examination papers, register of receiving-passing examination work to the Examination Centre representative.
14. In case of breaking the abovementioned rules specific administrative measurements will be fulfilled against the lecturer/invigilator.


Student Behavior Rules during the Examination Period

Student Behavior Rules during the Examination
1. The student must arrive to the examination place in accordance with the schedule indicated in the exam timetable. In case of arriving late because of having objective reasons the student is admitted to the examination, though no extra time will be granted to him/her.
P.S. In case of existing objective reasons (being on a mission at different cultural, scientific, sport measurements from the University; health-related problems, natural calamities) the student has a right to appeal to the faculty plenipotentiary person for applying to the Examination Centre in order to be admitted to the individual examination.
2. The student must have a permit issued by the faculty: a copy of ID card with the dean’s seal.
Otherwise the student won’t be admitted to the examination. P.S. This point is stopped.
3. Taking any things into the examination is forbidden except for a pen, water and things necessary for health. The student will put unnecessary things at the place pointed by the lecturer/invigilator; otherwise he/she will be dismissed from the examination.
4. None of the things should be placed on the table, except for student’s card/ID card, pen, water and things necessary for health.
5. In case of finding any other paper on the table the student will be warned, in case of any other infringements after beginning the examination the student will be dismissed.
6. The student must check the examination paper and in case of any damages he/she must appeal to the invigilator. After beginning the examination such kind of claim won’t be accepted.
7. The examination questions must be written on special examination papers given by the invigilator with a blue pen. Otherwise, the work won’t be corrected.
8. The student mustn’t open the examination ticket until the examination timer won’t be turned on. Maximal duration of the final, repeated, left teaching course examination is 2 hours, and the duration of the mid-term examination doesn’t exceed 2 academic hours (if another time isn’t indicated on the examination ticket under the lecturer’s demand).
9. Inquiries regarding the content of the examination questions won’t be answered. In case of having procedural and technical questions the student must appeal to the lecturer/invigilator.
10. Conversation during the examination process is forbidden. The student will be warned in case of having a talk with another one, but he/she will be dismissed from the examination in case of repeating the similar or another type of contraventions.
11. Turned-on mobile phones or other electronic appliances are forbidden at the examination, as well as using things containing the information related to the examination questions. In that case the student will be warned and dismissed from the examination in case of repeating the similar contraventions.
12. Any other contraventions of discipline will become the basis for dismissing.
13. 15 minutes earlier before the examination time limit the invigilator notifies students about this. Those works of the students, who won’t stop writing after running the time limit, won’t be corrected.
14. The student must give the examination ticket and papers to the lecturer/invigilator after finishing the work and sign the register of receiving-handing examination works.
P.S. The second point of the annex #2 – “student must present a permit issued by the faculty: a copy of ID card with the dean’s seal. Otherwise the student won’t be admitted to the examination.” (is stopped).


Codes for Lecture Courses




Inquiry Forms



Doctoral Program Forms

Option Forms


Self-Evaluation Report (2018)

Self-Evaluation Report of the Higher Educational Institution

Self-Evaluation Report of Authorization Status Seeker Higher Educational Institution

Self-Evaluation Report (2017)

Annual Self-Evaluation Report of the Higher Educational Institution


About Defining the Registration Dates for Internal Mobility Applicants for the Spring Semester of the Academic Year 2020-2021 at LEPL Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University  #13457- 20.01.2021

About Defining the Registration Dates for External Mobility Applicants for the Spring Semestre of the Academic Year 2020-2021 at LEPL Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University #13416 - 20.01.2021


Quality Assurance Office Staff


Head of the Quality Assurance Office



Head of Administration


Academic Council Members



President of Students' Self-Governance

 - დავით მაისურაძე




Head of Administration

Mzia Maisuradze





Shalva Tchkadua 

Date of Birth: 28.09.1980

Marital Status: Married, three children.


2011 - 2012 Beneficiary of Erasmus Mundus ECW Post-Doctoral Program. (University of Sapienza, Rome, Italy)

2009 - 2010 Beneficiary of Erasmus Mundus ECW PhD Program. (University of Macedonia, ATEI, Thessaloniki,Greece)

2007 - 2010 - awarded the Academic Degree of Doctor of History, Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University (Research topic: Georgian-Greek Relations at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century). 2006 - Master Studies, Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University (International Relations and History of Diplomacy).

2004 - Bachelor Studies, Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University (International Relations and History of Diplomacy).

Working Experience:

December 2022 - till now – Rector of Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University.

2014 - till now - Associate Professor in Political Sciences, Faculty of Social sciences, Business and Law, Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University.

2013- 2022 Head of Quality Assurance Service of Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University

2012 - 2014 - visiting lecturer of History, Faculty of Humanities, Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University.

2011-2012 - Specialist at the Faculty of Social sciences, Business and Law at Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University.

2006– 2011 - Embassy of Greece in Georgia, Defence Attaché Office

2005-2006 - Assistant of administrator at National Education Center of Telavi

2005-2006 - Teacher of the History of Neighbour Countries at Erekle II Gymnasium of Telavi

2004 – 2007 - Teacher of the Greek Language at Greek Society “ELLADA” of Kakheti Region.


2020 International conference “Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basics and innovative approach”, San-Francisco, California, USA (paper: “ Civic self-awareness and peculiarities of the Georgian political process”).

2020 International conference“Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basics and innovative approach”, San-Francisco, California, USA (paper: “The Role of Georgian Media in Turning the Political Process“). 2020 International conference “Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basics and innovative approach”, San-Francisco, California, USA (paper: “The results of the study of the Georgian population living in and near the Pankisi Gorge”).

2020 International conference “Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basics and innovative approach”, San-Francisco, California, USA (paper: “The new Corona virus and its reflection on Georgian political processes and business sector” (coauthor: Ia Jimshitashvili)

2018 (September 28-29) 2nd International Scientific conference “Education, Research, Practice”, (presenter), Telavi, Georgia.

2018 (October 5-7) 10th International conference “Health and Ecology”, (presenter), Telavi, Georgia.

2017 (May 1-2) 2nd International conference “Higher Education – New Technologies and Innovations”

(presenter), Kutaisi, Georgia.

2016 (July 1-2) 1st International Scientific conference “Education, Research, Practice” (presenter), Telavi, Georgia. 2014 - III International symposium “World War I and the Caucasia” (presenter), Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University (paper: Georgia and the western countries - “political processes and parallels”).

2009 - International Conference “Religions and Politics in Europe’s Orients” Presentation Topic “Georgians on the bounds of two Empires: Question of Meskhetians”, Thesaloniki, Greece 2009.2009 - International Conference “Europe, Nations and Borders” presentation topic “Formation of the Political Map of Georgia”, Sofia, Bulgaria. Publications/Scientific Works/Readers:

2022 - Book "Ethnic and cultural Diversity in Kakheti_Leks (Khundzakhs/Avars)", TeSaU.

2020 - Book “Pankisi Gorge – Facts, Events, Analysis” (in Georgian) Georgia,National Science Academy of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia (coauthor: Zaur Gumashvili).

2020 - “Civic self-awareness and peculiarities of the Georgian political process”, Proceedings of International Conference “Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basics and innovative approach”, San- Francisco, California, USA.

2020 - “The Role of Georgian Media in Turning the Political Process“, Proceedings of International Conference “Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basics and innovative approach San-Francisco, California, USA

Participation in scientific grants:

2023 researcher- scientific-research project_ Ethnic and cultural Diversity in Kakheti – Udies, TeSaU.

2022 researcher- scientific-research project "Ethnic and cultural Diversity in Kakheti_Leks (Khundzakhs/Avars)",TeSaU.


Language Skills: Georgian (native), English, Greek, Italian.




Students' Self-Governance

President of Students' Self-Governance 

Tengiz Kukunashvili

Vice-President of Students' Self-Governance 

Nika Baganashvili

Chair of the Parliament of Students' Self-Governance 
Tamuna Khechiashvili

Chair of Students' Self-Governance Department of Sport

Giorgi Tchikadze

Chair of Students' Self-Governance Department of Culture 

Chair of Students' Self-Governance Department of Public Relations

Chair of Students' Self-Governance Department of Education 

Chair of Students' Self-Governance Department of Student Rights Protection   
Tamar Jeiranashvili


Chancellery (Registry Office)


Legal Office


Office of Information Technologies


Rector’s Office


Doctoral Programmes

Faculty of Agrarian, Natural Sciences and Technologies

სასურსათო ტექნოლოგია

Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law

Applied Economics

Annex 1 - Curriculum

Faculty of Educational Sciences

Education Sciences


Master Programmes

Faculty of Humanities

Modern and Contemporary History of Georgia


Faculty of Agrarian Sciences


Faculty of Educational Sciences

Subject Teaching Methodology 

Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences

Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law 

Business Administration



Bachelor Programmes:

Faculty of Humanities


Georgian Philology

English Philology

Faculty of Agrarian, Natural Sciences and Technologies

Food Technology (MAJOR)

Food Technology (MINOR)

Agronomy (MAJOR) 

Agronomy (MINOR)


Information Technologies

Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law

Business Administration


Public Administration






History of the University

Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University (TeSaU) is one of the oldest educational centers in Georgia. The University is the worthy successor of the century-old educational traditions of Ikalto Academy (XII Century), Telavi Philosophical and Theological Institutions (1758-1782), Theological Seminary (1782-1801), Theological School (1818-1918), Teachers’ Professional College (1924-1939), Teachers’ Professional Institute (1939-1951) and Pedagogical Institute (1951-1999).

Since 1940 the institution has been named after the great Georgian pedagogue and public figure Iakob Gogebashvili. On the 60th anniversary from its foundation, in 1999, it was awarded the status of State University. It is an autonomous State Higher Educational Institution. Teaching language here is native Georgian.
Getting education at the university is available through renewed programmes covering Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral cycles. The Institution covers vocational educational programmes as well.


 There Functions:

  • 5 faculties with corresponding departments;
  • More than 30 cabinet-laboratories;
  • Workshop;
  • Internet network;
  • Sociologist;
  • Computer Centers;
  • Center for Caucasian Researches;
  • Legal Clinic;
  • Foreign Language Friendship Centre of International Black Sea University;
  • Center of German Language and Culture (Biberach Room);
  • Center for American Studies;
  • Francophone Center;
  • Students’ Self-Governance;
  • Sports and Cultural Clubs.


Material-Technical Base:

The University has four study buildings, open and closed playgrounds located in the green area covering seven hectares.
The Library of the University, equipped with modern standards, more than 200 000 book funds and different library sources, serves students and scientists.
18 Professors, 56 Associate Professors, 27 Assistant Professors and 7 Assistants work and teach at TeSaU.
At about 1500 students get education at Telavi State University at present.
Scientific papers of TeSaU professors-teachers and doctoral students are published annually.
The University has regular relations with Georgian Higher Educational Institutions.
International relations are diverse as well. It has close connections with foreign Universities: Telavi State University students and academic staff are involved in different exchange programmes. International projects are implemented there successfully.
Local, republic, international conferences and symposiums are regularly held at the University.
The University also includes different centers for studying culture and literature of different countries. Students’ life is coordinated by the Students’ Self-governance.









LEPL Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University represents a study-research organization that, depending on the specifications of the mission and field(s), promotes the integration of teaching and research with economic processes, conducts fundamental and using research, thereby contributing to scientific, economic and cultural development at the regionl and national level.

At present, to fully conduct scientific activities, there are four different departments established at the university: 1. Agrarian, Natural Sciences and Technologies; 2. Social Sciences, Business and Law; 3. Education Sciences; 4. Humanities. Accordingly, their basic research profiles are defined: Agrarian sciences; Exact and Natural Sciences; Economics and Tourism; Law, social and Political Sciences; Education (pedagogy, inclusive education), Subject Teaching, Psychology; Georgian and English Philology, History Sciences. From the aforementioned research profiles to the university, depending on the needs of the region, the priority areas of mission and strategic plan are: Agrarian, Tourism and Education directions.

At the university also operates: The Caucasus Studies Center, where the problematic issues of both the Caucasus region and the history of neighboring countries and the modern socio-political situation are being studied; Chemistry-technology laboratory, where they are investigating wine, grapes and canned products; Agricultural Laboratory, which serves to study soils, agricultural crops, fertilizers and pesticides in the region; Biology Laboratory, which serves to study the pest/ diseases of microorganisms, especially agricultural crops and another research laboratory that mainly explores aromatic components, such as wine, juice, microorganisms of wine; The university disposal has trial research and demonstration plots that allow for innovation.




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