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Mevlana Exchange Programme

Mevlana Exchange Programme provides the opportunity to implement students, professors and teachers mobility at higher educational institutions in Turkey and outside the country.
Differ from other exchange programmes Mevlana covers all higher educational institutions in the World.
Mevlana Exchange Programme Goal
Mevlana Exchange Programme Goals are:
• To make Turkey a desired country for getting higher education;
• To increase the academic level of higher educational institutions in Turkey;
• To contribute in globalization process of higher educational institutions;
• To familiarize a rich historical and cultural heritage of Turkey to the World.
BA, MA and PhD students, professors and teachers from the higher educational institutions which signed the collaboration memorandum (within Mevlana Project) are eligible to participate in Mevlana Exchange Programme.
For students mobility period at the higher educational institutions in Turkey is determined by one or two semesters; for professors and teachers, mobility period is – from one week to three months.
Students who have already participated in other exchange programmes are also eligible to participate in Mevlana Exchange Programme.
Bachelor students, whose middle point of progress (GPA) is minimum 2,5 and MA and PhD educational programme students, whose middle point (GPA) is minimum 3.
Students (BA, MA, PhD) will take their scholarship during their first mobility period. For raising their educational level students are also eligible to participate in Mevlana Exchange Programme more than once but they won’t get scholarships.
Professors and teachers are eligible in Mevlana Exchange Programme if they are conducting 6 lectures a week. Participation in conferences and seminars are also included in their working hours.
Professors and teachers are allowed to participate in Mevlana Exchange Programme once a year.
Mevlana Exchange Programme is not eligible for first-year BA, MA, PhD students.
Mevlana Exchange Programme is not eligible for those professors and teachers if their working plan doesn’t provide lecture courses.
Financial Aid for Professors, Teachers and Students during Mobility within Mevlana Exchange Programme
Participant students pay their tuition fee only in their home University.
They are free of charge during the mobility period.
Students will get 420 Turkish Lira once a month. Students should pay for their health insurance and a way cost.
Project participant professors and teachers will be fully funded by Mevlana Exchange Programme.
Within the programme, TeSaU signed the contract with two of the Turkish Universities: Rize and Igdir.
For detailed information visit the website:



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