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თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
Philological Seminar at Tesau

A philological seminar, organized by Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University faculty of Humanities (Department of Georgian Philology) took place at Tesau on December 24th.

Dean of the faculty of Humanities, Professor Nino Kochloshvili and head of the Department of Georgian Philology, Associate Professor Nino Giorgadze delivered introductory speech for students and professor-teachers. During the seminar, IV course student with the specialty of Georgian Language and Literature, Ketevan Dogonadze presented her report – “Enriko Gabidzashvili and Ancient Sacred Writings” (supervisor – Associate Professor, Nino Giorgadze). In addition, Tamar Tatulishvili, II course student of the same specialty read her report – “Akaki Shanidze – the Leading Figure of Georgian Language” (supervisor – Professor Nunu Geldiashvili).
Vice-rector, Professor Nunu Geldiashvili summarized the literary seminar that was initiated by her. She spoke about the importance of drawing students and professor-teachers together and denoted that similar arrangements covering introduction and evaluation of research works made by students and professor-teachers will take place at Tesau in the future as well.

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