იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
“Academic Integrity for Quality Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Institutions in Georgia (INTEGRITY)” - the final meeting of the project management

Within the framework of European Commission co-funded project – “Academic Integrity for Quality Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Institutions in Georgia (INTEGRITY)”, - the final online meeting of the project management was held   on October 6-7. Georgian and European project partners took part in the meeting.

All participant Georgian universities made presentations about the activities fulfilled under the project and European universities spoke about the promotion of the project results sustainability.  

During the online meeting, Turnitin representative also made a presentation and emphasized the innovations that are already introduced or are still under the process of introduction in this similarity detection software.

The second project working day covered the final project report, as well as implemented and upcoming financial activities.

The project INTEGRITY is being implemented under the coordination of Ilia State University and aims at promoting  academic integrity in higher educational institutions of Georgia. 


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