იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
Tender Announcement regarding Technical Equipment

Yerevan State university, coordinator of  International ERAMUS+ Project “PRINTeL- 585760-EPP-1-2017-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Change in classroom: promoting innovative teaching &  learning to enhance student learning experience in eastern partnership countries” kindly invites all suppliers to participate in  the tenders for the supply of equipment for creating Technology-enhanced Active Learning Classrooms and Multimedia Lecture Capture Studios in several universities of Armenia, Georgia and Belarus.

PRINTeL project  - “Change in classroom: promoting innovative teaching &  learning to enhance student learning experience in eastern partnership countries” – aims to improve teaching and learning quality in the partner universities of Armenia, Georgia and Belarus. 

 Within the frame of the tenders the following equipment amounting to 200, 200 EUR is planned to be procured: 

Interactive flat panels/displays

PTZ and Auto-tracking PTZ video cameras

Document cameras/visualizers

Presentation HD recorders  & streamers

Interactive classroom response systems

Audio systems and studio kits, headphones

Acoustic sound proof studio panels

Lighting kits for video studios

Desktop and laptop computers

USB Web cameras

Network servers and equipment, UPSs for servers

For the details of the tendering processes please visit the following websites and download the complete official tender announcements:

http://printel.am/tender/am.pdf and http://printel.am/tender/ge-by.pdf , or http://ysu.am/tender/am.pdf and http://ysu.am/tender/ge-by.pdf , or

call +(37410)570677 or +(37491)720178.

The deadline for submission of tenders is 26 July 2019.

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