იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
Central European University announces Admission to Master and PhD Programmes

Those self-financing students who wish to study at Central European University and take Master and PhD courses should send their applications till June 1, 2017.

For the academic year 2017-2018, Central European University gets application forms for 52 different programmes in the following disciplines:

∧ Business

∧ Cognitive Science (PhD)

∧ Economics

∧ Environmental Sciences and Policy

∧ Gender Studies

∧ History

∧ International Relations 

∧ Legal Studies

∧ Mathematics and its Applications

∧ Medieval Studies

∧ Nationalism Studies

∧  Network Science (PhD)

∧ Philosophy

∧ Political Science

∧ Public Policy

∧ Sociology and Social Anthropology

Register on the following link:   http://bit.ly/2eRh34y.  

If you would like to get fellowships, please, send the application form enclosed with the attached documents and English language standard test (iBT TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, etc.) scores no later than June 1, 2017.  


For detailed information visit Central European University website or contact the Center for International Education on the following address:

Tbilisi –  10 Chovelidze Str. Tel.: 2252615;  email: cie@osgf.ge       

Batumi – 35 Ninoshvili Str.: University building, I floor, room # 26; Tel.: 275817
Akhaltsikhe – 106 Rustaveli Str.: University I building; II floor, Tel.: 221551
Telavi – 1 Kartuli Universiteti Str.: V floor; Tel.: 273139
Kutaisi –  Akaki Tsereteli Kutaisi State University, I building, II floor; Tel.: 55170071 

You can get information about the University and contest also via the website of the Center for International Education www.cie.ge or Facebook: Center for International Education – Tbilisi. 

Visitors: 13817