იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
Meeting of International Relations Office

   On October 3, International Relations office held the information meeting about Erasmus + Exchange program.   

    Program concerned three levels of students and academic staff.  

    Tamar Aslanishvili, Head of International Relations Office  made the detailed presentation about the mobility opportunities to Tuscia University ( Italy) and to Pozega  Polytechnic university ( Croatia)  and informed the audience about the competition and  necessary  document.

Important dates for the students are:

English Language Test- 25 October 2017

Interview-  27 October 2017

Deadline for the submitting documents - 30 October 2017

The deadline for the academic staff to Croatia-5 October 2017.

For the detailed information please, visit the International Relations Office. 

Visitors: 6049

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