იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
Cooperation Agreement between “World Vision Georgia” and TeSaU

Cooperation Agreement was signed between Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University and Non-governmental Organization “World Vision Georgia”.
The Agreement provides lecture courses, practical work and other arrangements that will be carried out by the mentioned NGO officials for TeSaU professor-teachers and students.
Under the above-mentioned Cooperation Agreement, on September 29, “World Vision Georgia” Early Childhood Development Expert Tsira Barkaia conducted the first lecture for TeSaU professor-teachers and students of the faculty of Educational Sciences. The subject of the lecture was Children Rights Protection at Nursery Schools. During the meeting it was mentioned, that according to the current statistical data, every 6th child in Georgia is the victim of physical and psychological violence, though its diminution tendency is observed in that direction. 

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