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თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
Public Lecture at TeSaU

The famous litterateur Tamaz Tkemaladze delivered a public lecture – Vaja Pshavela’s “Bakhtrioni” at Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University on June 20, 2016.

            The cycle of public lectures, which are periodically hosted by different universities ended at Telavi State University.

            Tamaz Tkemaladze spoke about the greatest poet of XIX century – Vaja Pshavela. The litterateur considers that he is fantastic with his critical thinking and poetical talent. Tamaz Tkemaladze thinks that Vaja is more talanted person than each Georgian admits.

Along with the University professor-teachers and students the public lecture was attended by the linguist, professor Revaz Dzneladze and ethnologist, publicist Eldar Nadiradze as well. 

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