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Ili State University New Master Program Presentation at TeSaU

  On April 4, Ilia State University Professor, Cort Anderson introduced Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University students the new Master Program in Applied Genetics.

Applied Genetics Master Program goal is to help students understand the utility of genetics-based technology. Whether or not they go on to use these skills in their subsequent careers, these students will be informed consumers of this technology - they will be better able to deploy the technology appropriately themselves, and evaluate information that has been generated by others using biotechnology. Through a combination of lectures, laboratory - and field-based training, students will learn not just concepts, but actual practice and procedures of applied genetics. The materials taught in this program will prepare students for careers in agricultural, industrial, or biomedical genetics applications, as well as molecular ecology and evolution.

Besides the new Master Program, “Iliauni” professor made one more presentation to Tesau professor-teachers and students concerning molecular analyses of vine species.

During the meeting future plans were set which provide implementation of joint programs by  Telavi State University and Ilia State University. 

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