An International Scientific-Practical Conference "Modern Actual Scientific Issues”will be held at Euroregional Teaching University onJune, 2-3, 2017.
The following 11 sections will work at the conference:
1. Agrarian Sciences;
2. Business Administration;
3. Education;
4. Engineering;
5. Science/natural sciences;
6. Law;
7. Social sciences;
8. Art;
9. Healthcare;
10. Humanitarian Sciences;
11. Inter directional fields or specialties.
Deadline of work submission and electronic registration: April, 28, 2017.
Working languages: Georgian, English, Russian
For Further information please, contact to the organization committee of the conference, address: Georgia, Gori, Tskhinvali str #9, Telephone: +995 577 05 13 22; +995 599 29 15 26 - Avtandil Lapachi. e-mail:
Please, see the attached file for details: "Modern Actual Scientific issues”.