იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
Student Essay Competition

The Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI)  with the support from United Nations Development Program’s (UNDP) and government of Sweden calls students to submit essays on the subject of Sustainable Development Goals and Georgia.  

The purpose of this competition is to promote the Sustainable Development Goals in Georgia and raise awareness about their importance.

 To receive more information about this competition, an information meeting will be held on May 2, 2017, 17:00 at conference room of restaurant Lolita  (#7 Chovelidze str., III Floor). To participate in the meeting, please register no later than April 26, 2017 via the link:


 Any undergraduate or graduate student in Georgia can participate in this competition.   


 How to participate in the competition?

 1. The essay must concentrate on only one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals;

2. One participant may submit multiple essays on different Goals; 

3. At the end of an essay, please indicate your first name, last name, contact information (e-mail and phone number) and the name of the educational institution you are enrolled in; 

4. Technical requirements: the text should be in Georgian, font – Sylfaen, size – 12, spacing – 1.5, no more than 1,000 words. Please do NOT send essays in PDF. The Word document must include the name of the participant in its title; 

5. In case of plagiarism, the organizers reserve the right to remove the participant from the competition; 

6. Deadline for submission is May 21, 2017;  

7. Please send your essay/s to contest@idfi.ge; 

8. The e-mail subject line must be - Essay Competition.  

Evaluation Criteria 

 - Relevance and original analysis of the issue;

 - Logical reasoning;

 - Analysis and argumentation;

 - The structure of the essay (introduction, main body, conclusion);

 - Following academic writing standards.


First place winner will receive a GEL 1,000 gift card for a technology store, the second and third place holders will be awarded with special gifts at the Sustainable Development Goals international forum. 

- Winners will be selected by representatives from UNDP and IDFI. Ten best essays with authors’ name and picture will be published on the IDFI website and Facebook page.  


For additional information about the competition please contact us, Monday – Friday, from 10:00 – 19:00:

Institute for Development of Freedom of Information

E-mail: contest@idfi.ge   

FB: https://www.facebook.com/IDFI.official    

Tel: +995 32 2 92 15 14; +995 599 500 137

The competition is held in the framework of the project “Supporting the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in Georgia”. 

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