იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
International Relations Office Statement

International Relations Office announces a call for academic staff in the following universities:

University of Ruse (Bulgaria) – 2 places in the field of Informational Technologies;

Tuscia University (Italy) – 2 places: 1 in Tourism and 1 in Agrarian Sciences;

Pedagogical University of Austria – 1 place in the field of Education;

Vilnius Business College – 2 places in the field of Economics and Management.

In case of success, the contestant will conduct a lecture course in the host university.

Participants should be registered for foreign language exam until November 11 at International Relations Office. Examination is taking place on November 14, 14: 00 (in English and Russian Languages) and before the commission on November 17, 14:00. Please, present a brief description of the lectures (in English or Russian).


Supporting Documents:

  1. Language Certificate (English or Russian);
  2. Description of lectures to be conducted (in English or Russian);
  3. Cover Letter (in English or Russian);
  4. C.V. (see the example on the following website: https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/documents/curiculum-vita/templates-instructions.iehtml)

Deadline for submitting documents: November 15, 2016. 

Visitors: 14268