იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
Students Month at Public Service Hall

 If you are a student, Public Service Hall offers trainings in the fields of Law, Informational Technologies and Development of Social Skills. The trainings fee is 50 GEL.

The project aims at making trainings easy to access by students, promoting qualification improvement and development of social skills.

Bachelor and Master students have an opportunity to participate in the project.


Training topics are:


1. Effective Communication;

2. Stress Control;

3. Labour Law for non-lawyers;      

4. Personal Data Protection and Legal Control of Publicity;

5. Law and Human Rights;

6. What is European Union;

7. Practical Matters of Criminal Law;

8. Business Law;

9. Microsoft Excel ;

10. Microsoft Word;

11. Microsoft Power Point.


Get more information and register via the link http://tcj.gov.ge/ka/news/276/

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