იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
“SuToMa” Contest

Under the international project “SuToMa”, financed by the European Commission Jade University of Applied Sciences (Germany) announces a call for attending an intensive course “Intercultural Communication for building bridges“ , which will take from 16th till 27th November 2015.
University teachers, staff as well as students are welcome.
Please, make sure that all applicants have good English language knowledge.
A committee will select the participants. All selected participants are entitled to a scholarship by the German Federal Foreign Office. Cost for transport and accommodation as well as excursions will be paid.

A written application (consisting of application form, motivation letter, CV, letter of support) should be sent the latest by 15th October 2015.
Please, get detailed information from Telavi State University International Relations Office (floor III).
Application Form and Invitation are enclosed in English.

Visitors: 16366