იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
The First Scientific-Practical International Conference in Batumi

The First South Caucasian Conference  “Medical tourism: political, social-economic, educational and medical problems” is taking place in Hotel Sheraton Batumi on November 18-20, 2016. 

The educational and scientific program will highlight state-of-the political, social-economical, educational and medical problems, quality of Health Care and many more interesting sessions. The conference also provides you with the opportunity to participate at the cultural  programs in Batumi and Ajara.

The Conference provides a forum for presenting original unpublished data and sharing ideas for innovation as well as disseminating evidence-based knowledge.

Scientists, representatives of governmental organizations, Health facilities, business and affiliated professionals attending the Conference will be able to:

  • Enhance their knowledge of evidence-based approaches on the problems of Health Care quality improvement.
  • Access the latest statistical data’s .
  • Be updated on emerging innovative techniques, diagnostic tools and risk-assessment strategies.
  • Communicate, collaborate and network with representatives of a international audience – medical professionals, national societies, patient groups, medical industry and the media.

Please, visit the link for registration: http://gruni.edu.ge/other_content/index/514/1464947596

Visitors: 13261