იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
II International Scientific Conference: „Education, Research, Practice“

Faculty of Educational Sciences is holding II International Scientific Conference: Education, Research, Practice on September 28-29, 2018.

Professors, teachers and doctorate students from Georgian and International higher educational institutions as well as representatives of scientific-research institutions can participate in the conference.

Conference Proceedings will be published and given to the participants during the conference.

The Conference topics are:

1. Modern Technologies in upbringing and teaching children and the youth: Georgian and the World experience

2. Innovations in Higher education: Strategies and technologies

3. Theoretical and practical bases of Innovative Processes in the Professional field: Practice and Perspectives

4. Information technologies in Education

5. Subject Teaching Methodology

6. Educational and Developmental Psychology

7. Educational philosophy

8. Educational Management

9. Physical education and sports.

The Conference provides plenary and sectional sessions.

The working languages for the conference are Georgian, English, and Russian.

Presentation will be 10-15 minutes, discussion-3-5 minutes.

Virtual participation is also available at the conference.

Key Dates

We kindly ask you to send the conference papers designed according to the requirements (appendix №1) and application form (appendix  №2) to the followig e-mails:


The deadline for the paper submission is extended to June 30, 2018.

-By July 6 the organizing committee will notify participants by e-mails regarding the acceptance of the papers.

-Until July 12 the participants must pay the registration fee to the enclosed bank account (appendix 3). Each participant pays organizational fee GEL 80 (participants from abroad $40). In case of joint contributions, each co-author pays the same fee (GEL 80).

*Participants who choose virtual participation and want receive the Conference proceedings have to pay the postage expenses.
- Travel and hotel expenses are covered by the participants.

- Expenses for the Cultural Program is covered by the organizing committee.

 - Conference Venue-Telavi State University, Conference Hall, №1 Kartuli Universiteti Str.



Appendix №1


Requirements for the conference articles


1. The conference Paper Size should not exceed 5 pages, including references(no more than 8-10 items) and abstract.

2. Page layout: – А4 , Text Editor - Word.

3.Margins: top - 1,5cm, bottom - 1,5cm, left – 2cm, right – 2cm.

4. Paintings, graphs, diagrams, etc- TIFF 300dpi;  600dpi format.

5. Formulas must be typed in Formula editor- Microsoft equation 2.0 (2.1).

6. Font Georgian textSylfaen, size 12.

русский текст – Times New Roman, size 14.

латинский текст –Times New Roman, size 12.

7. Line spacing -1(single).


Rules to design the articles

1. Top right corner-author’s surname, first name-on the first line; the name of the organization on the second line, after an interval title of the article.

(Bold) size14.

 2. After an interval the text of the article.

3. Inverted commas in Georgian and Latin Texts („“),Russian text(«»).

4. Use dash inside the text(–), use hyphen (-)inside the words.

5. References: Fontsize10. References should be listed at the end of the article according to the alphabetic order:

In case of book citation:Last name, first name of the author. (Date of publishing). Title of the book.Publishing house. Publishing place;

In case of article citation: Last name, first name of the author (year of publication). Title of the article//Title of journal or book. Journal Number, first and last pages of the article;

    Articles in Georgian or Russian languages must have enclosed abstract (no more than 1000 symbols) in the English language. Articles in English language must have abstracts in the Georgian language indicating author’s name, last name, name of organization and theses according to the same requirements as it is stated for an article. Editorial board will prepare abstracts in the Georgian language for the English language articles received from abroad.

    Indicate 5 (five) key words in the Georgian and English languages and enclose them to the article after   the abstract;

    The article should have enclosed application form on a separate sheet of paper.

Author is responsible for the published scientific material.



Appendix №2


Application Form


II  International Scientific Conference:  ,,Education, Research, Practice Telavi, September 28-29, 2018


Name, surname



Country, City


Name of the high institution


Workplace, position


Academic Degree, rank


Address (Index)


Tel, Mobile, E-mail, Fax


Participation (in-person, Virtual)


Title of the article


Scientific Direction of the Conference


Any Technical Assistance?


Do you need Hotel?






Appendix №3

Bank Accounts


For Foreign Participants





ABA: 021000089






BENSS Account:      GE13 TB76 0263 6615 1000 02

NAME OF BENEFICIARY: Daviti  Makhashvili

Purpose: II International  Scientific  Conference : ,,Education, Research, Practice



Contact Information for the Conference Organizational Committee


Address:  Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University, Faculty of  Educational  Sciences

Georgia, 2200, Telavi, №1 Kartuli Universiteti Str, Second Building, Dean’s office at the Faculty of Educational Sciences.


Contact Persons:


1.  Davit Makhashvili - Dean of the Faculty

Mobile: (+995) 99-10-84-50;   (+995) 71-10-84-50

E-mail: davitima@rambler.ru


2. Tamar Mikeladze - Associate Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences

  Mobile:  (+995) 55-78-37-35

  E-mail: tamar.miqeladze@tesau.edu.ge


      3.  NatiaGabashvili-Assistant Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences

 Mobile: (+995) 93-46-36-60

E-mail:  natia_gabashvili@yahoo.com

Visitors: 11881