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Winter School in Kartvelian Studies – 2016

International Association for the Promotion of Georgian/Kartvelian Studies and Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University with the financial support of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation announces a call for Winter School in Kartvelian Studies – 2016. The purpose of the Winter School is to extend the knowledge of young researchers in the field of Kartvelology, familiarize them with the nearest scientific researches, make their adaptation with the scientific circles. The project is for students of Georgian universities, as well as for school-leavers (XI-XII). All applicants should submit informative-scientific or synoptic work (no more than 6 pages: font – sylfaen; size – 12; space between lines – 1) to the following email – zamtrisskola@gmail.com no later than January 25th. The work should cover any topics from the fields of Kartvelian Studies as follows:

History of Georgia (from the ancient period to XIX century);
         Georgian Language and its Dialects;
         Georgian Literature (until literary processes of XXI century);
         Archeology of Georgia;
         Georgian-Grecian Cultural-Literary Relations;
         Georgian Folklore and Ethnography;
         History of Georgian Philosophy.

    Experts will choose the best 30-35 works. The participants will be gathered in the Centre of Kartvelian School of the faculty of Humanities, TSU on February 19, 2016; they will be registered and familiarized with the programme. During the Winter School (19.02.2016-29.02.2016) the participants will be lodged in the hotel, where the study process will take place. They will get hotel and dietary service. The lecture courses will be conducted by the leading specialists from different universities and institutes. At the end of each lecture, the participants will make a discussion, practical work will also take place at the end of the day – the project participants will make presentations of the best works in accordance with the lecture subject.
The final event of the Winter School – 2016 will be arranged at Tbilisi State University, where the school outcomes will be summarized, participants will be awarded with proper certificates and presents. The authors of the best works will be given the money award named after the famous Karvelologist Heinz Fähnrich by the International Association for the Promotion of Georgian/Kartvelian Studies.
The best works made by the project – Winter School in Kartvelian Studies – 2016 participants will be handed to the special publishing group, which will make the publication of the edited material (no more than 10 works).
30-35 juveniles will be selected for Winter School 2016, amongst no more than 5 listeners will be chosen from school (XI-XII grades).
All applicants should submit the application form (see the attached file) with the work and a copy of Identity Card on the abovementioned email.

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