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თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
Ia Rcheulishvili was awarded the Academic Degree of the Doctor of Philology

On June 22, doctorate student of the Typological Linguistics educational program defended dissertation at Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University Dissertation Board of the faculty of Humanities. The title of the dissertation was “Linguistic Expression Models of Simile in Different System Languages” (scientific supervisors: Professor Nunu Geldiashvili and Professor Manana Garibashvili).  
The dissertation aims to determine the function of simile, as one of the main types of trope, in different system languages, in particular, Georgian and English languages. Also, analysis of grammatical means of expressing the simile and revealing/determining typological interrelations based on translation, establishing linguistic expression models.
Ia Rcheulishvili was awarded the academic degree of the Doctor of Philology.

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