იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
Presentation – “Georgian Manuscript”

Presentation of the participants of the project – “Georgian Manuscript” – implemented by Korneli Kekelidze National Centre of Manuscripts was held at Tesau on December 28. 
Academic Doctor of Philology – Shorena Lazviashvili, Doctor of Education – Ketevan Shashviashvili and PhD student (III course) of the doctoral program of Philology – Tamar Shiukashvili presented their reports.
The presentation was attended by the Vice-Rector in the field of Science, Professor Nunu Geldiashvili and Vice-Rector in the field of Studies, Professor Aleksandre Mosiashvili, as well as professor-teachers and students.
Shorena Lazviashvili in her presentation spoke about the project goals and lectures covering the following modules: Georgian Manuscript, Georgian Written Language, National Centre of Manuscripts, Georgian Historical Documents, Georgian Printed Book, Personal Archives of Georgian Writers and Public Figures.
Ketevan Shashviashvili’s presentation was about outdoor lectures: Georgian Epigraphics and Chronological Systems in Ancient Georgia. Under the project, the participants inspected different historical monuments as well.
Tamar Shiukashvili emphasized the activities, such as interactive programs, workshops, discussions, visit in the laboratory of digitalization etc.
Seasonal School of Kartvelology – “Georgian Manuscript” was the first one this year for Georgian students, that aimed to make popularization of Kartvelologian Studies.

Visitors: 7959