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TeSaU Student Gained Success in Essays Contest “My Rustaveli”

Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University IV course student of the faculty of Humanities with the specialization Georgian Language and Literature, Maia Burdiashvili gained triumph in essays contest “My Rustaveli” organized by the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia.

Thirty-four works were reviewed and evaluated by the contest organizers and Rustvelologists Society representatives.

The contest participants presented their own vision of the timeless values of humanity and equality featured in the 12th century Georgian epic poem "The Knight in the Panther's Skin". They explored the values of prosperous and successful society built upon the principles of humanity and equality, gender equality among them.

Four winners of the contest: Valeri Otkhozoria, Levan Sarajishvili, Kristine Tsirekidze and Maia Burdiashvili will have an opportunity to take short-term practice in public departments and UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) Gender Equality Project. 

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