იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
The Next Training by Georgian Institute of Public Affairs at Tesau

The second training under the Rural Development Program of Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA) took place at Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University on March 15.

The scientist-consultant of the international organization “MERCY CORPS”, Doctor Koba Kobaladze made a speech about the basic and prospective rural culture technologies in the conditions of global warming.

Training also covered the global challenges of agriculture, farming and plant-growing development codes and other related issues. 

The study course – “Research Practice Enhancement in the field of Agriculture in Regional Educational Institutions” – is intended for the Agrarian Faculty academic personnel of regional educational institutions and students.

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