იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
Scientific Forum at Telavi State University

Scientific Forum dedicated to 100th anniversary of the Democratic Republic of Georgia took place at Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University Faculty of Humanities on July 5-6 of the current year.

Scientific Forum was opened with the exhibition of resources, related to the first Republic of Georgia, kept at Telavi State University.

Presentation about Professor Dodo Chumburidze’s monograph “Akaki Chkhenkeli” and Encyclopedia-Dictionary of the Democratic Republic of Georgia was arranged within the framework of the Forum. The Forum was conducted by the Supervisor of the Doctoral Educational Program of Modern and Contemporary History, Professor George Gotsiridze. He spoke about the importance of the Scientific Forum and introduced guests invited from different educational and scientific centers of Georgia.

Head of the University Department of History, Associate Professor Malkhaz Tsirekidze, Doctors of Historical Sciences, Professors Dodo Chumburidze, Otar Janelidze, Niko Javakhishvili, Lela Saralidze, Khatuna Kokrishvili and Omar Ardashelia made their reports at the Scientific Forum.

The Forum was carried out within the Doctoral Educational Program of Modern and Contemporary History during which a new scientific conference was planned to be held in autumn.

Visitors: 8224