- Rector’s Office
- Office of Information Technologies
- Legal Office
- Chancellery (Registry Office)
- Culture Coordinator
- Sports Coordinator
- Vocational Education Center
- Human Resources Management and Student Career Development Service
- Academic Integrity and Student Consulting Center
- Center for Commercialization of Scientific Research Results and Development of Innovations
- Internationalization and Public Affairs Office
- Study Process Management Service
- Financial-Material Resources Management and State Procurement Service
- Psychological counseling center for students
- Center for Professional Development and Innovative Learning
- Personal data protection officer
- Internal Audit Service
Rules of Enrollment
http://www.mes.gov.ge/content.php?id=1131&lang=geo Ensuring the Right for Education in Accredited Programs for the Foreign Citizens or The Georgian Citizens Living Abroad Without Passing Uniform National Entrance/General Graduate Examinations to the Higher Educational Institutions Accredited in Georgia With the purpose of facilitation of mobility of high-school graduates/graduate student candidates and students, the study at the higher educational institutions of Georgia without passing unified national examinations/general graduate examinations, in accordance with the rules and the terms defined by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, is allowed to: 1. high-school graduates, citizens of foreign countries or without citizenship who received complete general education or its equivalent abroad; 2. high-school graduates, Georgian citizens who received complete general education abroad or its equivalent and the last two years of complete general education had studied abroad; 4. students who studied/are currently studying and have received credits abroad in higher educational institutions recognized by the legislation of the host countries; 5. graduate students who have enrolled at the higher educational institutions by Article 52 para 3 of the Law of Georgia “On Higher Education”. Only the persons mentioned in the first and second categories are eligible to take Georgian Language Preparatory Program, as well as bachelor degree students mentioned in the fourth category to pursue studies at bachelor, certified physician’s/dentist’s education program. The program is intended for the first year studies solely and institution awards certificate upon its completion. After completion of the program students pursue their studies at the programs of their choice at bachelor, certified physician’s/dentist’s education program. Order №224/N of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia (December 29, 2011) approved “The Rule for submission and review of the documents required for high-school graduates/graduate students/students with the purpose of study in the higher education institutions of Georgia without passing uniform national entrance/general graduate examinations”. The persons listed above have the right to submit an application to the legal entity of public law – National Centre for Education Quality Enhancement of Georgia. The application form is available to high-school graduates/graduate students/students at the legal entity of public law – National Centre for Education Quality Enhancement (Tbilisi, Aleksidze Str. #1, (+995 32 2 200 220); www.eqe.ge) The following documents shall be attached to the application: For high-school graduates – foreign citizens § copies of all pages of the citizenship document; § copy of school-leaving (high school diploma or equivalent) certificate; § written consent of the principal of the institution selected by a high-school graduate on possibility of his/her enrollment in vacant positions within the scope of general number of students (first/last name and faculty/specialty). For high-school graduates – Georgian citizens § copies of all pages of the citizenship document; § copy of school-leaving (high school diploma or equivalent) certificate; § copy of the certificate of the last two years of complete general education studies abroad; § written consent of the principal of the institution selected by a high-school graduate on possibility of his/her enrollment in vacant positions within the scope of general number of students (first/last name and faculty/specialty). For graduate candidates § copies of all pages of the citizenship document; § copy of bachelor degree diploma; § written consent of the principal of the institution selected by a graduate candidate on possibility of his/her enrollment in vacant positions within the scope of general number of the students (first/last name and faculty/specialty). For graduate candidates enrolled at the higher educational institutions by Article 52 para 3 of the Law of Georgia “On Higher Education” § copies of all pages of the citizenship document; § copy of bachelor degree diploma and diploma supplement issued by Georgian higher education institution; § written consent of the principal of the institution selected by a graduate candidate on possibility of his/her enrollment in vacant positions within the scope of general number of the students (first/last name and faculty/specialty); § document signed by the head of higher education institution, certifying that the persons was enrolled at the higher educational institutions by Article 52 para 3 of the Law of Georgia “On Higher Education” For students § copies of all pages of the citizenship document; § transcript (grade list) from home university; § written consent of the principal of the institution selected by a candidate on possibility of his/her enrollment in vacant positions within the scope of general number of the students (first/last name and faculty/specialty). Note § persons without citizenship should submit copy of residence card instead of citizenship document; § documents in foreign languages shall be translated to the Georgian language and certified by a notary; § for any inquiry regarding the tuition fees and language of instruction please, contact higher education institution. Additional information is available at National Centre for Education Quality Enhancement www.eqe.ge, Tbilisi, Aleksidze Str. #1, (+995 32 2 200 220) info@eqe.ge