იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
Student Olympiad in Economics “Future Economist"

Economic Policy Experts Center (EPEC) in non-governmental organization, which creates consultancy centers for economic policy and conducts scientific-educational activities, particularly: provides trainings, lectures-seminars, scientific conferences, discussions, translation projects about topical issues in business and economics.

Olympiad aims to contribute to the popularization of economics as academic discipline among students, reveal new young economists and create open platform of competition between students.

First, second, third and fourth year students (including foreigners) from universities in Georgia are welcome to participate in the Olympiad.

Participation in the first round is free. Students who succeed in the first round will have to pay 20 (twenty) GEL for participation in the second round. Participation in the third (final) round is free.

Deadline for registration is March 26.

First round: April 2, 2017 (participation in the first round is free of charge).

Deadline for the payment of registration fee for the second round: April 7, 2017 (payment of participation is 20 Lari).

Second round: April 8, 2017.

Final round: April 16, 2017 (there is no participation fee for the final round).

Winners’ awards: April 30, 2017.

First, second and final rounds of the Olympiad will be held at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University X building, address: Universiteti str. 2

Awards ceremony will be held at Hotel "Courtyard Marriott", address: Freedom square 4.

Following financial and non-financial prizes are intended for the winners:

1st place - 1000 GEL; Medal for first place;  Certificate for the first place;   Visit in radio Commersant and Iberia TV;  Video address in EPEC Speaker.

2nd place - 700 GEL; Medal for second place;  Certificate for second place;   Visit in radio Commersant and Iberia TV;  Video address in EPEC Speaker.

3rd place - 500 GEL Medal for third place;  Certificate for third place;   Visit in radio Commersant and Iberia TV;  Video address in EPEC Speaker.

4th place - 400 GEL; Certificate for fourth place and statuette.

5th place - 300 GEL. Certificate for fifth place and statuette.

Holders of 1st, 2nd and 3rd places will be awarded respective medals, statuettes and certificates, will be given a time in media area, radio commersant, TV Iberia and EPEC Speaker.

Holders of 4th  and 5th places will be awarded financial prizes together with the respective statuettes and certificates.

6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th places will be awarded certificates, medals and non-financial prizes.

Participants of the final round will be awarded certificates of participation.

For additional information, please, visit the following website: www.olympiad.ge

For registration, please, visit the link:  http://olympiad.ge/index.php?Cat=NeWs&Cat_id=172&LanG=&oly=23

Visitors: 14209