იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
Scientific Conference in Switzerland

The Editorial Board of the Socrates Almanac collection of scientific papers (Oxford, UK, ISSN 2053-4736) invites you to publish your articles, annotations of scientific discoveries, research and inventions in the edition of papers for the International Conference ‘Excellence in Quality’ (Lucerne, Switzerland, 3 July 2017).

The conference will be a joint effort of Europe Business Assembly (UK), Academic Union Oxford (UK), European Medical Association (Belgium), Swiss Institute of Quality Standards (Switzerland).  (http://ebaoxford.co.uk/events/item/343-healthcare-summit-2017). The main focus of the conference will be on the role models of excellence in 3 sectors: corporate, healthcare and medical travel and education management.

Materials are accepted in the fields of management, business, healthcare, pharmacy, science and education for this collection of papers.
To read more about the issue please visit:  http://almanac.ebaoxford.co.uk/index.php/component/content/article/50-science-articles-category/340-collection-of-scientific-works

If you would like to get additional information or have any questions, please, contact us by            e-mail at  i.almanac@ebaoxford.co.uk. 

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