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თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
Telavi State University is involved in New International Project

Telavi State University is involved in new international project “Academic Integrity for Quality Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Institutions in Georgia (INTEGRITY)”. The first workshop of the project was hosted by Vienna University on February 12-16th and Telavi State University representatives took part in it.

During the workshop, along with the main aspects of the project providing a number of activities in relation with academic integrity at higher educational institutions, administrative and organizational matters had been discussed as well. Within the project, academic writing curriculum will be modified at Telavi State University, anti-plagiarism electronic programs will be introduced, trainings will be conducted for teachers’ professional quality enhancement, academic integrity-related PR campaign and other important activities will be carried out too. 

Ilia State University is the project coordinator. International partners are Universities of Roehampton (England), Uppsala (Sweden), Dublin (Ireland) and Vienna (Austria).

INTEGRITY is a two-year project that will be ended in 2019. 

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