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The other meetings held under the EU project DITECH consortium

The second online consortium (June 30, 2021 - July 2) and the second national (July 27-29, 2021) meetings in the field of development were held within the framework of the European Union Erasmus+ project DITECH (Developing and Implementing Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning at Georgian HEIs).

The consortium meeting was organized by the project coordinators - Tallinn University Professor Sirje Virkus and Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Professor Izabela Petriashvili. Representatives of Georgian Higher Educational Institutions, National Center for Teacher Professional Development and European Universities were among the participants of the abovementioned meeting.

The second national meeting was hosted by Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University and it was attended by the representatives of Georgian institutions. Kaunas University representative was also involved in the online meeting. 

Under the abovementioned meetings, covering the development work package (WP2) matters, the reporters and participants reviewed the final versions of information and knowledge management, quality management, risk management and dissemination  management plans.

Final versions of the courses intended for Master and Bachelor students were agreed on and consequently readers will be elaborated. 

Subjects of training modules and objectives set for university academic staff and online instructors were presented as well. 

Matters related with the project financial management were discussed during the workshops. In addition, the working plan of readers intended for courses was defined, contest terms and conditions to be  announced for the  external evaluation of the project,  news bulletin, FB page and other project-related aspects were also agreed on. 

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