იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
Study Visit to Austria planned within the framework of the International Project DUGEOR

On May 14-18, 2023, the chief specialist of Telavi State Uiversity International Relations Office, Nino Korinteli, the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Levan Shavadze, and the Professor of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Manana Kevlishvili, were in Graz (Austria). They took part in the study visit planned within the framework of the DUGEOR project funded by the European Commission.

The DUGEOR project is designed to introduce dual education in Georgian higher educational institutions. Within the mentioned study visit, the Austrian colleagues shared their experience with the Georgian ones and introduced the partners with whom they implement dual educational programmes (Siemens, Gosser Bruwery KNAPP, Zotter Schokolade). From the Georgian side, the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement and the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia are involved in the project. With the purpose of promoting dual education, some legislative changes are planned to be elaborated.

Within the framework of the project, two study visits to Germany and Serbia are planned until the end of 2023.

Visitors: 5943