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თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
International conference “Innovative teaching and learning in Higher Education Institutions” in the frame of ERASMUS+ PRINTeL project

On 16-17 of May in 2019 the international conference “Innovative teaching and learning in Higher Education Institutions” took place in Yerevan State University (YSU) in the frame of ERASMUS+ PRINTeL project “Change in Classroom: Promoting Innovative Teaching & Learning to Enhance Student Learning Experience in Eastern Partnership Countries” organized by the project coordinator Yerevan State University. It was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the foundation of YSU. The Project coordinator from the university Mr. Armen Budagyan made accent on main aspects from the PRINTeL project:”Virtual Academy of Teaching & Learning: Collaborative Platform for Teaching & Learning,  Active Learning with special focus on Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning, Video as a Learning tool for teachers & students: Video Lecturing & promoting Interaction in the Classroom, Active learning & ICT-enhanced teaching: M-learning & Gamification,  Student assessment in active learning. All partner universities of the project were represented on the workshop including TeSaU.  

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